After completing the book “Visualfestation: How Manifested the Life of My Dreams & You CAN TOO!” by Peter D. Adams, I understood the importance of one’s perspective and overall outlook on life. If you haven’t taken the time to read Peter’s book, I would highly encourage you to find the time. The short self help book gives story after story of people who where able to do miraculous things just by having the right mindset about it.

If you would like to listen to Peter D. Adams “Visualfestation: How Manifested the Life of My Dreams & You CAN TOO! for free on YouTube, click here.

The most important thing I took away from my read was the difference your perspective can make in any situation, major or minor. To really simplify the term perspective, I would consider it a view point. How you view problems, face challenges, and accomplish task is based on how you perceive any situation.

A common reference to this idea of positive thinking is the saying “is the glass half full or half empty?” Although this old saying originally started in the first half of the 1900s, it still holds a lot of truth to today. As society continues to evolve, we should take the time to sit and reflect on how we perceive life.

  1. Making Ritual Reflection Time

It is important to practice daily reflection or meditation to help with your overall mindset and positive perspective on life. You should try to keep a set time everyday to make it into a productive habit. Take time to visualize your goals and really dive deep into how you will accomplish it.

Adams goes into great detail how small positive changes like mediation or exercise has a real long term positive affect on you. It did for Peter and it can for you to if you really want it to.

It is important to note that everyone’s reflection time can look slightly different. For me, my reflection time is writing in my journal. If you have never set time to reflect throughout the day then start small. Take 5 to 10 minutes everyday. If that is too much, start with 2 minutes. Keep in mind someone else’s reflection time could be laying in bed, reading a book or going for a walk. It is important to identify your reflection time and set a time for it everyday.

Idealistically, a great time for this would be right when you get up in the morning. However, it is very difficult for me to wake up an hour before I am suppose to do anything. Pick a time you know you will actually have success with. Draw towards whatever feels most comfortable at first and tweak as you learn more about yourself.

2. Being Proactive

When dealing with any conflict or a negative attitude, it is important to be proactive and attempt to stay calm and think about the best way to go about the situation. Being proactive is not only looking for solutions early in the game, but also keeping the energy up within the team dynamic.

Creating change to a positive prospective within a diverse setting takes independence, bravery and consistency. It won’t very natural at first, but practice makes perfect. Identifying what you want to accomplish in life and being proactive about the plan to get there.

Writing your goals down and planning during your 2 minute reflection is a great way to visualize and increase your chances of success of positive thinking.

3. Being Positive

A big part of opening up your perspective is looking at all the angels of the story and making the most of what situation you do have. For example, a lot of people in your office are going for the same promotion as you. Instead of making people feel bad to mess up their interview, encouraging everyone around you equally to set the stage for leadership and positive thinking.

Changing your perspective can sometimes means being extra nice to those around you. With a positive action comes a positive reaction which could lead to better team morale.

Leading people to feel better appreciated and less stress can make all the difference in team productivity and any environment. This small change can lead to more communication, better understanding and smarter moral behavior.

That is why starting with yourself is the first step. The rest will follow.